Beneficial Electrification

I was skeptical of the term “beneficial electrification” when I first heard it, mostly because I knew that more than half of our electricity in Pennsylvania was generated using fossil fuels. But when electric appliances are used in concert with energy efficiency measures, cleaner energy sources, and smart grid technology, beneficial electrification represents a meaningful step in addressing the climate crisis.

Treated Wood

Once I got around to demolishing the dilapidated fence around our back porch, I knew I had to get rid of it in a responsible way. Landfilling is about as antithetical to “responsible disposal” as I can imagine, but because of the chemicals in pressure treated wood, there aren’t many better alternatives. The real key is making informed choices about whatever replaces it.

Cast Iron Cooking

Cast iron pans are a fantastic investment for your kitchen and for your family’s health, but many of us aren’t using them correctly when it comes to seasoning, cleaning, or even following proper steps while cooking. Although I grew up in a family that cooked with cast iron frequently and have a few of my own, I am still learning too.

Cat v. Tree

Although many families share videos of cats attacking Christmas trees, we have never seen any such behavior from our two. Most of the cat-on-tree action I’ve seen in my life has involved artificial trees, and there are multiple sources that point to why cats may prefer plastic to the real thing. In this Christmas Day post, expect some gratuitous cat photos along with researched content.

Shaka, When the Walls Fell, Part 1

As Pittsburghers, we have a lot of retaining walls on our property, and we knew it was only a matter of time before we would have to repair one. Last year our driveway wall was compromised by a tree I loved very much. In order to replace the wall and ultimately protect the foundation of the house, I had to make a hard decision.

The Flea

What I thought was a stress-induced grooming habit for my kitty Siegfried actually turned out to be the result of fleas (though we couldn’t find any on him). It turns out that indoor cats can, in fact, get fleas, despite a common belief that they can’t. Fortunately fleas are pretty straightforward to deal with, as long as you follow instructions to the letter.

Weatherization Update – Electricity Savings, Part 1

About a year ago, we finally weatherized our attic. Many people know that weatherization includes air sealing and insulation; many people do not know that those things have to be done in a very specific way in order to work… and the previous owner of our house was not one of those people. Doing the job wrong is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.

Real vs. Plastic Christmas Trees, Part 4

Although we know that “Reduce” is the most important component of the Three R’s, it’s hard to advocate for reducing consumption during the biggest commercial holiday of the year. Examining our motivations during the holidays (to understand why we choose to spend our time and money the way we do) can help reduce our consumption and may help improve our mental health as well.

Real vs. Plastic Christmas Trees, Part 1

A variety of factors are making Christmas trees (both real and artificial) harder to come by this year. Because of climate change and clogged supply chains, availability is dropping and prices are rising. We’ll take this opportunity to look at the pros and cons of each and see if there is a “correct” choice of tree, based on aspects of conservation, health, and economics.

“My Cabin Doesn’t Leak When it Doesn’t Rain,” Part 2 – Energy and Health

Having spent five years running a home health and weatherization program, I am every contractor’s worst nightmare. I ask tough questions and don’t give an inch. Energy efficiency and health are inextricably tied, and I have seen how cutting corners can jeopardize health. Fortunately, making professional energy improvements in conjunction with getting our new roof will more than pay off in the long run.