Hummingbird 101

I recently saw some deadly misinformation circulating on my neighborhood’s message board app related to hummingbird care. Since they are so tiny, their bodies are incredibly sensitive to what they consume. Pesticides, herbicides, and even some hummingbird nectars contain chemicals that can hurt or kill them. In this post is information that can help ensure the health and safety of your beautiful neighborhood hummingbirds.

Monarch 101

Monarch butterfly populations are dropping at alarming rates on both coasts, and we may soon see them on the endangered species list. Their habitats and food sources are in danger from illegal logging, industrial herbicides, climate change, and urban expansion. There are plenty of steps we can take to help these beautiful creatures, and it involves more than just planting milkweed.

I <3 Fukushima, Part 8 - The Future

This last post is going live on the anniversary of Chernobyl, an oft-referenced event that has nothing and everything to do with Fukushima. Global concerns about nuclear energy persist as the Japanese government continues cleanup and looks to alternative fuel sources. The request we were left with from residents was this: go home and tell everyone what a wonderful place Fukushima still is.

I <3 Fukushima, Part 7 - The Grid

During our time in Fukushima, we heard many references to Germany’s simultaneous shuttering of conventional generation sources and their accelerated roll-out of renewable energy. The mentality of many Japanese people is “if Germany can do it, so can we.” In this installment of this series, we will take a look at the feasibility of such major fuel shifts in Germany and Japan.

I <3 Fukushima, Part 6 - The Economy

Despite decontamination efforts, some farmers in Fukushima are having trouble bouncing back because of widespread skepticism around claims of safety. The local economy is shifting to include green technology, but it remains to be seen if Fukushima can ever shake its stigma. While the government would like to put the accident in the past, there are some who don’t want it forgotten or excused.

Energy Efficiency and the Climate: Climate Week Recap, Part 3

Roughly forty percent of the energy used in the United States goes to power buildings (heating, cooling, lighting, etc.), and nearly half of that energy is used by commercial buildings. Businesses can play a huge role in combatting climate change, starting with improvements in their own facilities. However, before you start saving kilowatts, the first and most important step is examining your organization’s culture.

Energy Efficiency and the Climate: Climate Week Recap, Part 2

Individual action and political action are valuable components of fighting climate change, but they are not enough. Energy efficiency related to building operation offers a huge opportunity for savings, as well as a positive impact on the climate. This week I will shamelessly talk about what I’ve learned in my job and the economic, environmental, and health benefits of exploring energy efficiency in your home.

Climate Change Scarf

Fall is here (officially tomorrow), meaning scarf weather is on the way… eventually. Eight of the hottest years on record have happened in the last decade, and knitters are taking action to present climate data in a new medium. This post illustrates trends in global temperatures and artistic displays of that data, some of which have inspired new lines of craft projects and merchandise.