Cast Iron Cooking

Cast iron pans are a fantastic investment for your kitchen and for your family’s health, but many of us aren’t using them correctly when it comes to seasoning, cleaning, or even following proper steps while cooking. Although I grew up in a family that cooked with cast iron frequently and have a few of my own, I am still learning too.

Expiration Dates

Some of my most controversial, infamous, and still-talked-about Facebook posts of all time involve something that seems to draw opinions from even the most reserved people I know: expiration dates. Many people believe that the “sell by” or “best by” dates stamped on food are the end-all, be-all, definitive line between “safe” and “not safe” for food, and in almost every case that is not accurate.

“The Devil We Know” and “Dark Waters”: Teflon in the Media, Part 1

Over the summer, Christian and I watched a fantastic documentary on Netflix called “The Devil We Know” about a chemical compound used in the production of Teflon and DuPont’s role in covering up potential negative health impacts. With the release of the movie “Dark Waters” in theaters this coming weekend, it seemed like a good time to dive into the details around the subject.