Christmas Cards and their Environmental Impacts

‘Tis the season for decorations, cookies, and warm greetings extended around the globe. What is the most environmentally responsible way to share those warm wishes? Is going paperless really the best option or should we switch over to electronic communications? It’s time for some holiday SWAGs (Scientific Wild-Ass Guesses) to give us a sense of our holiday card options and their related impacts.

“The Devil We Know” and “Dark Waters”: Teflon in the Media, Part 1

Over the summer, Christian and I watched a fantastic documentary on Netflix called “The Devil We Know” about a chemical compound used in the production of Teflon and DuPont’s role in covering up potential negative health impacts. With the release of the movie “Dark Waters” in theaters this coming weekend, it seemed like a good time to dive into the details around the subject.

How Often Do You Really Have to Wash Your Hair?

A few years ago, a friend told me she was trying a “no-shampoo” challenge because shampoo can strip your hair and scalp of the natural oils that keep it healthy. While the idea may be unpleasant to some, I’ve been slowly cutting back on my shampoo use for a couple years and thought it was time to examine the merits of this challenge.

Climate Change Scarf

Fall is here (officially tomorrow), meaning scarf weather is on the way… eventually. Eight of the hottest years on record have happened in the last decade, and knitters are taking action to present climate data in a new medium. This post illustrates trends in global temperatures and artistic displays of that data, some of which have inspired new lines of craft projects and merchandise.

Greywater Reuse and Laundry Detergent

Everything is connected on this blog, and this week’s topics are no exception. In order to maintain my pollinator garden cheaply and sustainably, I wanted to set up a greywater reclamation system to use wastewater from my laundry, and in order to ensure that only plant-safe compounds were winding up in my garden, I had to do some research on biodegradable laundry detergents.

Sustainable Roofing Materials

Getting a new roof is (hopefully) not something you have to think about more than a handful of times in your life, and this is certainly the first time I’ve ever been in this situation. While I’m not thrilled about the expense, I am excited about the prospect of learning about our options and making an environmentally-responsible choice.

Integrated Pest Management: Termites

A few weeks ago I came face-to-face with some termites in our garden wall. We were not thrilled about the prospect, but I researched some alternatives that are more environmentally friendly than calling an exterminator. We did some things that will hopefully prevent the situation from getting worse and introduced a beneficial parasite that will hopefully eliminate some if not all of the colony.