When Life Hands You Beets…

I’ve never met a beet that I liked, and this love/hate issue divides my family in two. What’s a girl to do when beets show up in the farm share box? This week on the blog, I divised a version of “The Dating Game” for myself to try to answer the ultimate question: are beets in any way redeemable? I remain skeptical.

Beyond Impossible: Meatless Meat, Part 3

Many vegetarians say they don’t eat meat because of responsibility to the environment. Mock meat is a great way to reduce your footprint, but I wanted to see how the numbers stack up when comparing our different options. Just how beneficial are plant-based foods for the environment compared to their meat-based equivalents? Are there negative impacts of these “responsible” food choices that we’re not considering?

Beyond Impossible: Meatless Meat, Part 2

About 5% of Americans are vegetarian, and many of us don’t even miss the taste of meat. Nevertheless, plant-based burgers designed to resemble beef are appearing in upscale restaurants, grocery stores, and now fast food chains. Eating a plant-based diet is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Is meatless meat good enough to get meat eaters to cut back?

Beyond Impossible: Meatless Meat, Part 1

In just the past week, I had the opportunity to try both the Beyond Burger at a cookout and the Impossible Whopper at Burger King. With all of my raving on social media about these new and different options, I’ve gotten a lot of questions from both meat eaters and vegetarians, some of which I could answer, and some of which I couldn’t – until now.