Fat Talk, Part 4

I’ve had several friends comment on this series (publicly and privately), reminding me that body image issues are more widespread than many of us realize. In our quest for thinness over health, we turn to fad diets and products to help us feel better about ourselves. And that desperation among people who don’t really need to lose weight is causing problems for people who really do.

Insect Warfare: Mosquitoes

Probably the only thing that makes me retreat indoors during summer is mosquitoes. I can handle heat and rain in high quantities, but once I become a buffet, I’m ready to call it quits. Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying; they can carry serious diseases. There are a number of natural solutions to help keep these pests away if you’re looking for an alternative to synthetic repellents.

When Life Hands You Beets…

I’ve never met a beet that I liked, and this love/hate issue divides my family in two. What’s a girl to do when beets show up in the farm share box? This week on the blog, I divised a version of “The Dating Game” for myself to try to answer the ultimate question: are beets in any way redeemable? I remain skeptical.