When Life Hands You Amalfi Lemons…

They say that low expectations are the key to happiness – and there is some truth to that. While I didn’t have low expectations for Italy, I tried to keep them realistic. As is the case when traveling, we encountered inconveniences, setbacks, and even some scary moments during those two weeks, but keeping perspective and flexibility helped us laugh about them, if only in retrospect.

To What End?

Over 100 million Americans made New Year’s resolutions for 2022, and fewer than 10 million actually succeeded in keeping them. I rarely succeed, in spite of (or because of) the fact that I tend to make so many. This year, I hope that examining the “why” behind my resolutions, rather than following my annual pattern from years before, will meet with more success.

Angel of Music, Part 2

Having fun – by definition – means being playful and limiting self-judgment, but self-judgment has dictated my relationship with music for more than half of my life. I am currently working through one of the most complicated relationships I’ve ever experienced. In doing so, I have at least identified what feels healthy and what I want more of, but I also know it’s going to be a long process.

Angel of Music, Part 1

In trying to carve out time for doing things that I love, I tend to turn activities that should be fun into obligations, at which point they are no longer fun. Music has been an incredibly important part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I’m trying very hard to figure out how to make it fun again.

Yes, Virginia, it is a Christmas Movie, Part 1

“Die Hard” is considered by many to be the greatest Christmas movie of all time; it is also considered by many to be the most divisive Christmas movie of all time. There are plenty of articles that share qualitative and quantitative information about why “Die Hard” is, and I am here to agree. But I’m also here to ask what exactly defines a Christmas movie?

Digital Minimalism

I’ve felt very isolated during the pandemic, despite using social media more than I ever had before. We’ve seen a sacrifice of quality time for quantity time in recent years, leaving us feeling more isolated, and our addiction to social media plays a huge role in that. In this post, I contemplate my own priorities and whether I’m up for a new approach to my connectivity.


A bike crash in college shook my confidence to the point that I was no longer comfortable riding. Some associated baggage is tied up with the desire to do it well or not do it at all. A recent mountain biking trip helped me practice going easy on myself, and some of those lessons came back to the office with me.

This is Fine.

Between climate change, pollution, war, gun violence, and erosion of basic human rights, things are looking a little dire right now, and people are getting exhausted, myself included. This post looks at Nervous System Dysregulation as a result of chronic stress, as well as what individuals can do to step back and view the long path of advocacy as a marathon, not a sprint.

Renewable Energy and Energy Independence, Part 2

There are plenty of debates right now about energy independence and what that means, especially in light of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting boycotts of Russian fossil fuels. There’s not much I can do as an individual, but these events prompted my switch to a third-party electricity supplier, particularly one that focuses on utility-scale wind and solar projects here in Pennsylvania.

Renewable Energy and Energy Independence, Part 1

The second and third posts on this blog were about third-party electricity suppliers in Pennsylvania and my impending switch to support one of them. Three years later, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I finally got around to making a choice and making it happen. This two-part series is my renewed argument for an easy shift away from fossil fuel-based electricity generation.