Tankless Water Heater

We will soon have to replace our hot water heater, and I want to invest in something that will save energy and reduce our demand for fossil fuels, while also recognizing an inevitable shift toward home electrification. Initial and ongoing costs were a consideration in the debate between gas and electric models, meaning that this decision called for a comparative analysis. Spreadsheets were used.

Weatherization Update – Cost Savings

After years of intermittent research and data collection, I’m ready to share what we already knew: we’re saving money by using less energy! But how much, and how long until we recoup the costs of the weatherization work we had done in our attic in May 2021? We’ll never know for sure, but this exercise was a fun exploration of that complex question.

Weatherization Update – Gas Savings

I finally got my hands on our gas usage data, thanks to a very patient husband and a helpful customer service representative. With this information, I’ve been able to take a look at how much we’re saving since our attic weatherization work in May 2021. I’m looking for ways to at least reduce our use of this fossil fuel until we’re in the position to eliminate it.

Hydrogen’s Rainbow

The world is talking more about decarbonizing our energy and transportation sectors, and one hot talking point is hydrogen. Hydrogen fuel cells can store energy like a clean battery, and hydrogen burns cleaner than fossil alternatives. However, the various processes of isolating hydrogen from input materials mean a range of environmental impacts, especially since the bulk of hydrogen is still produced using fossil fuels.

Weatherization Update – Electricity Savings, Part 2

Once you’ve paid for weatherization work at your house, you may be curious how effective it is in saving you energy (and money). By employing data points called “degree days,” we can get a reasonably accurate view into how much energy gets used before and after weatherization work while keeping an eye on how much heating and cooling demand existed during the period in question.

Weatherization Update – Electricity Savings, Part 1

About a year ago, we finally weatherized our attic. Many people know that weatherization includes air sealing and insulation; many people do not know that those things have to be done in a very specific way in order to work… and the previous owner of our house was not one of those people. Doing the job wrong is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst.

Renewable Energy and Energy Independence, Part 2

There are plenty of debates right now about energy independence and what that means, especially in light of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting boycotts of Russian fossil fuels. There’s not much I can do as an individual, but these events prompted my switch to a third-party electricity supplier, particularly one that focuses on utility-scale wind and solar projects here in Pennsylvania.

Renewable Energy and Energy Independence, Part 1

The second and third posts on this blog were about third-party electricity suppliers in Pennsylvania and my impending switch to support one of them. Three years later, spurred by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I finally got around to making a choice and making it happen. This two-part series is my renewed argument for an easy shift away from fossil fuel-based electricity generation.

“C-Students Run the World,” Part 2

The thought of me providing life advice to other people strikes me as hilarious and pointless since I have always felt so aimless myself. I will admit, though, that the circuitous path that has led me to where I am has given me some perspective and helped me find things I love, and I was honored to share that at my alma mater this spring.

Tidying Up, Week 7 – Managing Storage

“Storage experts are hoarders,” says Marie Kondo. My struggle through the Miscellaneous category continues as I organize and store consumable goods that still that I can’t donate but can’t bring myself to trash. Our storage space is currently limited by roof and attic work, making the process even more frustrating, but hopefully keeping me more honest about what has a place in my future.