Anaerobic Digester Tour

Years of backyard composting has biased me toward aerobic compost, so when I had the opportunity to tour an anaerobic digester, I jumped at the chance. I knew very little about the process other than the fact that it created a lot of methane, which was a concern of mine. Fortunately, the team at Ecotone Renewables was patient with my multiple questions on the tour.

Rampin’ Up

There is always a line between appreciation and exploitation when it comes to what we put on our plates, and as someone who appreciates rare and delicious foods, I try to be especially conscious of when I am stepping over that line. Ramps, much beloved throughout Appalachia, appear for just a few weeks every spring, but their growing popularity is also putting them in danger.

Cast Iron Cooking

Cast iron pans are a fantastic investment for your kitchen and for your family’s health, but many of us aren’t using them correctly when it comes to seasoning, cleaning, or even following proper steps while cooking. Although I grew up in a family that cooked with cast iron frequently and have a few of my own, I am still learning too.

Flowers for Four

Somehow we’ve made it to four years of Radical Moderate! Over this time, I have hoped to provide useful information and highlight perspectives that might not be obvious at first, to encourage readers to ask more questions and dig deeper before making decisions. To mark the occasion, we’ll be looking at the traditional fourth anniversary gift (and Valentine’s Day gift) of flowers.

Vegan January, Part 5 – Carbon Footprint

I arrived at vegetarianism 20 years ago to support animal welfare; I upped the stakes to vegan this month to decrease my carbon footprint. Cutting animal products out of your diet is one of the best things you can do for the environment, and more people are taking steps in that direction for just one meal a day or one day a week, rather than going cold-turkey.

Vegan January, Part 2 – Animal Welfare

Compassion for animals is often cited as the most important reason to go vegan. It is why I originally went vegetarian, but the extra step toward veganism seems unnecessary if the animals are treated well as they produce milk, lay eggs, or make honey. In fact, there are some foods that are vegan by definition but that can have some unpleasant effects on animals.

Vegan January, Part 1 – Overview

I usually head into January with a commitment to eat fewer animal products. While I am full vegetarian, I love dairy products, particularly cheese. In my carbon footprint research a year ago, I discovered that cheese is the third-worst food you can eat, after beef and lamb. With a heavy heart I recommitted to cutting back on dairy, starting with a full-vegan January.

Expiration Dates

Some of my most controversial, infamous, and still-talked-about Facebook posts of all time involve something that seems to draw opinions from even the most reserved people I know: expiration dates. Many people believe that the “sell by” or “best by” dates stamped on food are the end-all, be-all, definitive line between “safe” and “not safe” for food, and in almost every case that is not accurate.

Community Supported Agriculture, Part 4 – Supplying Food

Between land use impacts, methane produced by animals, animal feed, and the processing of animal carcasses, there is a significant impact from meat and dairy products, as compared to vegetables. However, all foods pack a punch in the carbon footprint arena when it comes down to the energy required to grow or preserve foods out of season, or when we don’t use what we buy.