Sharpening the Saw, Part 3

In addition to carving out time for meditation, I’ve been trying to figure out how to create time for play as well. We tend to stop playing as adults, but it keeps us creative, adaptable, and more resilient to stress. The trick for me is finding activities I like that don’t have productive outputs or external standards attached to them.

Sharpening the Saw, Part 2

I have created a ritual for myself: before and after work every day I take 10 minutes and meditate, which helps me calm down, focus my attention, be present, and mentally transition between work and home time. Making it a formal part of my schedule helps to ensure that I do it, and making it clear to my family that I need it helps to keep me accountable.

The Importance of Down Time, Part 2

So often in the corporate world we link busyness with value. As a manager, especially in a remote work situation, I try to stress that results are more important than image, and that productivity is a function of self care. Eighteen months into the pandemic, my team practically shoved me out the door for a vacation so I could finally practice what I preach.

Tidying Up, Week 8 – Sparking Joy

After eight weeks of Marie Kondo’s challenge, I can see small improvements throughout my house, but there’s a long way to go before reaching the goals I set in Week 1. Through this journey, the real transformation has not been with my things, but with me. By practicing mindful, daily gratitude for the last two months, I do feel more joy – and that is magical.

Tidying Up, Week 7 – Managing Storage

“Storage experts are hoarders,” says Marie Kondo. My struggle through the Miscellaneous category continues as I organize and store consumable goods that still that I can’t donate but can’t bring myself to trash. Our storage space is currently limited by roof and attic work, making the process even more frustrating, but hopefully keeping me more honest about what has a place in my future.

Tidying Up, Week 6 – Sentimental Items

The term “Sentimental Items” can apply to pretty much everything in my house, which means that as I continue to tackle “Miscellaneous,” I can also hone my skills on what Marie Kondo has referred to as the hardest category. This post examines why it’s so hard for us to part with things in general and why I hold on for (maybe) too long.

Tidying Up, Week 5 – Komono

Miscellaneous items make up the largest category in Marie Kondo’s tidying plan, and from what I can tell, that basically means everything in our house. There was no way I would get through everything Miscellaneous in one week, but I really thought I’d accomplish more than just the bathroom closet. There will certainly be more work to come after this eight-week challenge is over.

Tidying Up, Week 4 – Papers

Papers are where my hoarding tendencies come into play, and the pile I assembled at the beginning of this week rivaled my mountain of clothes in Week 2. It took a lot of time and energy to make it through everything in this category, and I’m aware that although I’m already at the halfway point, it’s only going to get harder from here.

Tidying Up, Week 3 – Books

No, Marie Kondo never said you should limit yourself to 30 books. She wants you to keep what makes you happy, and for me that was most of my books. Although I kept most of what I already had, it allowed me to reacquaint myself with my collection and inspired my husband to go through his books. He was a little more merciless than I.

Tidying Up, Week 2 – Clothing

I have never gotten rid of any of my clothing, ever. This first week of sorting through my belongings was emotionally exhausting as I battled my own hoarding tendencies to part with perfectly good clothes that I’ve owned for decades. On the bright side, I can fit all of my clothes into the storage space available for the first time in my life.