Plastic-Free July, 2022 – Part 3

Global plastics production is expected to quadruple by 2050, and that growth will require significantly more extraction of fossil fuels as feedstock. Doubling down on more fossil fuel extraction is the last thing that a warming, plastic-filled planet needs. Organizations across the world, from the United Nations to grassroots groups on the front lines are taking action to prevent the bad from getting worse.

Plastic-Free July, 2022 – Part 2

The term “recycling” is a dangerous thing because of how it inaccurately shapes our perceptions around the plastic lifecycle. Most plastic put in the recycle bin doesn’t get recycled, but even the industrial process of “chemical recycling” doesn’t necessarily create a closed-loop plastic system. Instead, it can often fuel increased health risks for those living nearby, increasing global temperatures, and demand for additional plastic.


Some people don’t want any more kids or any at all, and that doesn’t make them bad people. In fact, it’s a responsible action to consider parenthood options carefully and determine how best to follow through on your choices. In honor of Father’s Day, this post examines the simple process, low risks, and overall environmental benefits of male sterilization, a.k.a. the vasectomy.

Firefly Festivities

Fireflies, lightning bugs, glow-worms… these are the insects that herald the beginning of summer. Whatever you may call them, they are declining in numbers globally. There are several factors threatening them, including climate change, habitat loss, light pollution, and pesticides. Here we will take a look at what researchers across the globe are doing to help illuminate the problem and take steps to reverse it.

Birthday Bat Box

I’ve always loved bats. They’re adorable and beneficial but often get a bad rap. With populations in rapid decline, there are few actions we can take, and one of them is adding a bat box… in certain situations. Following proper guidelines on size and placement can ensure a safe, comfortable place for bats to spend the summer (that doesn’t include your attic).

Leather: A Good or Bad Choice?

To celebrate the third anniversary of the Radical Moderate Blog, we will take a closer look at leather. A booming beef industry combined with waning demand for leather means that many animal hides simply go to the landfill instead of being put to use. Meanwhile, real leather is being overshadowed by vegan alternatives that are commonly made from plastic, which carries its own environmental impacts.

COVID: Episode IX – The Rise of Omicron

Omicron has put a damper on holiday festivities in our family, but this Christmas still looks very different from last Christmas. Vaccines are helping to reduce severity of breakthrough infections, and the availability of rapid tests is helping to give people who can find them added peace of mind. I hope that your holiday is a happy and healthy one, despite this latest complication.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 3

We have a wealth of options when it comes to beauty supplies, and a growing number of conscientious consumers are pushing for more ethical and environmentally friendly products. As usual, it does seem that the less we use, the better. In the conclusion of this series, I explore do it yourself options that result in a lighter footprint on the environment and human rights.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 2

When I started researching this topic, I expected the result to be a quick, one-part summary of the health effects of common chemicals in nail polish. I did not expect the wealth of information I found on public health concerns related to nail salons, especially the racial equity issues faced by workers who commonly experience a range of health problems related to occupational hazards.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 1

As someone who uses very few beauty products, I never expected to focus on them in a blog post. However, access to nail salons and habits at home have changed during the pandemic, raising questions about long-term trends. And the examination of those things also brought to light questions of health – both for people who wear nail polish and people who work in salons.