Climate Lab: Japan – In the Field

During our time in Japan, we had the opportunity to meet with government officials, reporters, and residents of Tokyo, all of whom are responding to climate change in different ways. Because Japan has the ability to mitigate its emissions but also must adapt to more severe weather, it was interesting to explore what has been effective (or not) from the standpoint of shifting a hard-to-shift culture.

Fat Groundhogs Looking for Shadows is No Basis for a System of Meteorology

Whether you love it or roll your eyes, the annual weather prediction from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania has its roots in European traditions marking the halfway point of Winter. Cleaning the house, burning candles, and observing changes in nature are all part of the holidays of Imbolc, St. Brigid’s Day, and Candlemas – a time when we remember that the dark days of winter will not last forever.

Spotted Lanternflies, Revisited

While the Spotted Lanternfly is on the rise in Pittsburgh, I was surprised to find very few back east when I was visiting my dad this summer. Thanks to ongoing research from academics and vigilance from the agricultural industry, we’re learning more about where they pose the most risk and what methods are – and aren’t – successful at keeping them at bay.

Pollinator Garden Update, 2024

Gardening teaches patience, persistence, and flexibility. The “Capital G” Garden will never be done, since it is in a constant state of becoming, but necessary tasks just haven’t gotten done during what has been a busy and challenging year. I did what I could to at least spend some time enjoying my happy place – and I hope you can too through this post.

Monarch Waystations

Monarch butterflies continue to be at risk from habitat loss. One of the most effective things we can do in North America is create safe spaces for them along their migration paths. It has taken me several years to grow milkweed from seed and get it to thrive, but I am finally ready to formally register my garden as a Monarch Waystation.

Anaerobic Digester Tour

Years of backyard composting has biased me toward aerobic compost, so when I had the opportunity to tour an anaerobic digester, I jumped at the chance. I knew very little about the process other than the fact that it created a lot of methane, which was a concern of mine. Fortunately, the team at Ecotone Renewables was patient with my multiple questions on the tour.

Planting a Pollinator Garden, Part 2

Since I had purchased far too many plants to get in the ground before leaving town for a few weeks, I turned to a tool that might help me work smarter, not harder: the garden auger. As long as your garden’s soil is reasonably conditioned (i.e. not solid clay), using an auger is an excellent way to move your gardening project forward faster than ever.

Planting a Pollinator Garden, Part 1

I thought I was mostly done with the garden for the year, but then I had one more opportunity to visit my favorite native plant nursery while they’re open. I came back with a carload full of plants – many of them because they looked interesting. Among those impulse purchases were a couple native cultivars, which are a point of contention in the native gardening community.

Planning a Pollinator Garden

Many people are wrapping up their garden work for the year, but it’s never too early to plan for the spring! If you’ve been putting off planting a pollinator garden for want of ideas on how to start, the Missouri Prairie Foundation has put together sample garden plans for people with sun, shade, and even picky neighbors. If you don’t know where to start, you should start here.

Pollinator Garden Update, 2023

It is now fall, and I am getting close to being done with my garden work for the year. While the Garden is never done, it is amazing to watch it evolve over time, and I’m happy to share 2023 updates that include adding more square footage, discovering new plants, and relearning lessons about how an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.