A Menstruating Woman Does Math, Part 1

This series follows upon my Zero-Waste Lent experience last year, during which I tried not to generate any landfill waste, even while on my period. After the success of that post, I have intended for almost a year now to dive into some more detailed numbers around just how much waste is created by menstrual products in the US and what we can do about it.

Bidets vs. Toilet Paper

In honor of the vacation we are currently enjoying, this post is about an amazing invention that is pretty standard across Japan and almost absent in America: the bidet. These devices are touted as more resource-friendly and bum-friendly than toilet paper, but the topic still seems to be avoided in polite conversation. And that’s what I’m here for – to do research and mention unmentionables.

Care Packages for Homeless People

If you live in or near a city, you probably see a large number of homeless, traveling, or down-on-their-luck people asking for assistance near street corners. For a couple years now, I have tried to have something a little more substantial than money on hand to give them. This post is an overview of things to consider when making care packages for homeless people.

Getting Out

This month marks five years since I realized I was in an abusive relationship and decided to get out. My blog is about challenging beliefs, and I believed that it couldn’t happen to me. Abuse can happen to anyone, and I hope this post can serve to diminish some of the associated stigma, as well as provide resources for someone who may need them.

Zero-Waste Lent: Week 2 (Periods)

Abandon all squeamishness, ye who enter here. This post contains frank information about bodily functions and what it takes to have a zero-waste period. Reusable menstrual products may not be for everyone because of financial or medical reasons, but this week I stepped outside my comfort zone to see what period panties can do.