Zero-Waste Lent: Week 5 (Clothing)

I hadn’t expected to need to shop for clothes during Lent, but this challenge is about opening my eyes to problems I hadn’t considered. As certain clothing items are giving up the ghost, I’m becoming aware of what I should and shouldn’t do to replace them (both now and in the future).

Zero-Waste Lent: Week 1 (Travel Food)

I started Lent this year by diving right into the deep end. Ash Wednesday meant a trip to State College for a conference, and since I was already halfway across the state, I continued east to see my parents for a belated birthday celebration with my dad. A lot of car time means a lot of travel food, which typically means a lot of packaging. (And a late night at work on Tuesday meant next to no prep time.)

Zero-Waste Lent: Ground Rules

I live a pretty low-waste life to begin with, but it’s not zero waste. Doing a zero-waste Lent this year will mean a serious shift in my awareness and daily behavior. In order to prepare myself for 46 days of zero waste (or as close as possible), I have to set some ground rules…

New Recycling Guidelines in the South Hills

For the very first post, we’re going to revisit a request I made to the general public via Facebook at the beginning of this year when the South Hills of Pittsburgh switched up some recycling guidelines. Keep in mind that these recycling restrictions may not be the case where you live, but REDUCING is always a better option than RECYCLING, wherever you are!