“C-Students Run the World,” Part 2

The thought of me providing life advice to other people strikes me as hilarious and pointless since I have always felt so aimless myself. I will admit, though, that the circuitous path that has led me to where I am has given me some perspective and helped me find things I love, and I was honored to share that at my alma mater this spring.

414 Days of Solitude

Now that I am fully vaccinated, I should be excited about seeing friends and family again, but the prospect of socializing has filled me with more anxiety than relief. I’ve gotten used to a quieter, more mindful existence over the past year, and as “returning to normal” looms on the horizon, I can admit that there are some things I don’t want back.

Why I Got Vaccinated

Over the past several months, we have been inundated with information, disinformation, and opinions about every aspect of COVID-19: origin, prevention, treatment, and political implications of each. In this digital world, it can be incredibly difficult to differentiate fact from fiction, leaving all of us open to dubious information that can encourage doubt – even in the most scientifically minded among us.