May 2023 Pennsylvania Primary Elections

Odd-numbered years mean judicial elections in Pennsylvania, and those are far more critical than most people realize. Our courts determine how our laws are interpreted, and we the voters decide who gets to be on the bench. In other news, Allegheny County residents who are registered democrat will likely be picking our next Chief Executive from a wide field of candidates.

For the Birds

Pollinator gardens are beneficial for birds, bees, butterflies, and other animals too. However, increased residential development and the continual pressure to have a manicured, uniform lawn puts all of those creatures at risk. Some homes are pushing back against societal expectations around landscaping to create safe corridors for native species, but in more than one case, the resulting fight has gotten ugly.

From One “City of Bridges” to Another

We were not entirely sure whether we wanted to go to Venice while in Italy, mainly because it is such a touristy city: we would have to contend with throngs of tourists, but we would also be part of the problem. Ultimately we decided to go after better understanding the causes of many of the problems and how we could support the city more sustainably.

Angel of Music, Part 2

Having fun – by definition – means being playful and limiting self-judgment, but self-judgment has dictated my relationship with music for more than half of my life. I am currently working through one of the most complicated relationships I’ve ever experienced. In doing so, I have at least identified what feels healthy and what I want more of, but I also know it’s going to be a long process.

Angel of Music, Part 1

In trying to carve out time for doing things that I love, I tend to turn activities that should be fun into obligations, at which point they are no longer fun. Music has been an incredibly important part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I’m trying very hard to figure out how to make it fun again.


We recently got a set of concrete steps put in at our house. As part of my atonement, this post summarizes what concrete is, why it’s so bad for the environment, why our governments can’t get enough of it, and what can be done to reduce the climate, health, and environmental justice impacts associated with the second-most-used substance on the planet.

Plastic-Free July, 2022 – Part 3

Global plastics production is expected to quadruple by 2050, and that growth will require significantly more extraction of fossil fuels as feedstock. Doubling down on more fossil fuel extraction is the last thing that a warming, plastic-filled planet needs. Organizations across the world, from the United Nations to grassroots groups on the front lines are taking action to prevent the bad from getting worse.

Plastic-Free July, 2022 – Part 2

The term “recycling” is a dangerous thing because of how it inaccurately shapes our perceptions around the plastic lifecycle. Most plastic put in the recycle bin doesn’t get recycled, but even the industrial process of “chemical recycling” doesn’t necessarily create a closed-loop plastic system. Instead, it can often fuel increased health risks for those living nearby, increasing global temperatures, and demand for additional plastic.

Plastic-Free July, 2022 – Part 1

July has come once again, and with it a renewed commitment to limit single-use plastics through Plastic-Free July. The oil and gas industry has a renewed commitment to plastic as well, pushing harder for increased consumption of their product. With less than 10% of our plastic ever getting recycled, it becomes more apparent that plastic recycling was only ever a false promise and will not solve our problem.