Climate Lab: Japan – In the Classroom

The final leg of my Climate Lab took me to Japan. I consider Japan the site of my environmental awakening, but there was still plenty to learn on this trip about impacts from the climate crisis and how to be an effective leader while centering the priorities of those facing the worst impacts. This jam-packed week was as fun as it was challenging.

Strike While the Iron is Hot

On this sixth anniversary of Radical Moderate, Pittsburgh’s signature manufacturing industry is at a crossroads. There is a path forward on which we can recognize the need for steel from an infrastructure standpoint, the need for jobs from an economic standpoint, the need for clean air from a public health standpoint, and the need for responsible decision-making to support all of those things.

Spotted Lanternflies, Revisited

While the Spotted Lanternfly is on the rise in Pittsburgh, I was surprised to find very few back east when I was visiting my dad this summer. Thanks to ongoing research from academics and vigilance from the agricultural industry, we’re learning more about where they pose the most risk and what methods are – and aren’t – successful at keeping them at bay.

2024 General Election, Part 4 – Depolarization

With days left to go until the election and the eyes of the world on Pennsylvania, I’m looking for ways to bridge the political divide no matter what the outcome is. Reaching across the aisle is not popular and can be a scary prospect, but there are steps we can take to disagree better and find that we have more in common than we think.

2024 General Election, Part 3 – The Quiet Majority

Finding common ground is easier said than done, especially during election season. With one week to go until Election Day, this post examines the concept that a majority of Americans are actually quiet or uninvolved entirely in politics, possibly driven away by exhausting hyper-partisan rhetoric. For those of us interested in attacking positions, not people, there are some resources available to help make that happen.

2024 General Election, Part 2 – The Great Divide

With two weeks to go until Election Day, I’ve been exploring both theory and practice regarding shifts in perspective, particularly when it comes to politics. Tribalism within political parties can be severe and lead to violence when people get desperate. Fortunately there are examples of people coming together after a tragedy to move forward, such as the one described in this post.

Climate Lab: Fiji – Insights

I knew that my year in the Climate Lab would be a challenge, but it has been challenging in ways I didn’t expect. Our work in and out of the classroom has challenged us to think differently and confront difficult feelings – things I only thought I had done before. It’s also forced me to grapple with my impostor syndrome, a tough and lifelong opponent.

In the Shadow of the Moon

Of those who just saw their first total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, many described to me having a feeling of greater connection to humanity and a broader perspective about how we’re all on this tiny blue marble together. This eclipse (my third) reminded me of that, but also that nothing is perfect in life, but that doesn’t make our limited time here any less precious.

Plastic Free July, 2024 – Final Destination

Last year a friend told me he was very excited now that he knew he could take his hard-to-recycle plastic to our local recycling company. I bit my tongue, knowing that it was probably too good to be true. At best, those plastics would end up in a landfill, but I had also heard that chemical recycling might be even worse for the environment.