Spotted Lanternflies, Revisited

While the Spotted Lanternfly is on the rise in Pittsburgh, I was surprised to find very few back east when I was visiting my dad this summer. Thanks to ongoing research from academics and vigilance from the agricultural industry, we’re learning more about where they pose the most risk and what methods are – and aren’t – successful at keeping them at bay.

2024 General Election, Part 4 – Depolarization

With days left to go until the election and the eyes of the world on Pennsylvania, I’m looking for ways to bridge the political divide no matter what the outcome is. Reaching across the aisle is not popular and can be a scary prospect, but there are steps we can take to disagree better and find that we have more in common than we think.

2024 General Election, Part 3 – The Quiet Majority

Finding common ground is easier said than done, especially during election season. With one week to go until Election Day, this post examines the concept that a majority of Americans are actually quiet or uninvolved entirely in politics, possibly driven away by exhausting hyper-partisan rhetoric. For those of us interested in attacking positions, not people, there are some resources available to help make that happen.

2024 General Election, Part 2 – The Great Divide

With two weeks to go until Election Day, I’ve been exploring both theory and practice regarding shifts in perspective, particularly when it comes to politics. Tribalism within political parties can be severe and lead to violence when people get desperate. Fortunately there are examples of people coming together after a tragedy to move forward, such as the one described in this post.

Plastic Free July, 2024 – Final Destination

Last year a friend told me he was very excited now that he knew he could take his hard-to-recycle plastic to our local recycling company. I bit my tongue, knowing that it was probably too good to be true. At best, those plastics would end up in a landfill, but I had also heard that chemical recycling might be even worse for the environment.

Plastic Free July, 2024 – Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Knowing the health and climate risks of chemical recycling is one thing, but knowing how to change your own behavior to reduce those risks is another entirely. The plastics “recycling” process is opaque, but so is the process that gets our waste to the facility. This Plastic Free July, I took some time to learn more about where my own plastic waste goes.

Plastic Free July, 2024 – Misnomers and Monomers

Misconceptions abound when it comes to recycling, and a new technology called “chemical recycling” is being positioned as a major win for recycling hard-to-recycle plastics. No matter their intentions for the future, most chemical recycling facilities are currently turning plastics into fuel to be burned, not recycled plastics to replace virgin plastics. Perception is everything in the court of public opinion, and information matters.

Monarch Waystations

Monarch butterflies continue to be at risk from habitat loss. One of the most effective things we can do in North America is create safe spaces for them along their migration paths. It has taken me several years to grow milkweed from seed and get it to thrive, but I am finally ready to formally register my garden as a Monarch Waystation.

Electrical Service Upgrade

It’s been a while since electronics lab in college, but upgrading our electric service served as a good refresher course for me. Unfortunately, many people who want to move away from fossil fuel use in their homes often don’t know where to start or even what to ask a potential contractor. I’m hoping that detailing our journey – starting with our electricity upgrade – will help.