Angel of Music, Part 1

In trying to carve out time for doing things that I love, I tend to turn activities that should be fun into obligations, at which point they are no longer fun. Music has been an incredibly important part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I’m trying very hard to figure out how to make it fun again.


A bike crash in college shook my confidence to the point that I was no longer comfortable riding. Some associated baggage is tied up with the desire to do it well or not do it at all. A recent mountain biking trip helped me practice going easy on myself, and some of those lessons came back to the office with me.

Equity in Brewing, Part 2

Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it, we are warned. The battle between small, independent brewers and large, consolidated production is only in its latest incarnation. There are meaningful arguments about the pros and cons of each side, but the full picture – with all the impacts of our decisions – isn’t always visible. Equity is continuously at stake when we vote with our dollars.

Vegan January, Part 3 – Healthy Choices

The first question any vegan or vegetarian is likely to hear is “where do you get your protein?” During almost 20 years of being a vegetarian, I got sick of that question, but when going vegan for the month of January, I had to ask it of myself in earnest. Turns out there are more protein sources in the plant world than I ever knew.

Sharpening the Saw, Part 2

I have created a ritual for myself: before and after work every day I take 10 minutes and meditate, which helps me calm down, focus my attention, be present, and mentally transition between work and home time. Making it a formal part of my schedule helps to ensure that I do it, and making it clear to my family that I need it helps to keep me accountable.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 1

As someone who uses very few beauty products, I never expected to focus on them in a blog post. However, access to nail salons and habits at home have changed during the pandemic, raising questions about long-term trends. And the examination of those things also brought to light questions of health – both for people who wear nail polish and people who work in salons.

“C-Students Run the World,” Part 2

The thought of me providing life advice to other people strikes me as hilarious and pointless since I have always felt so aimless myself. I will admit, though, that the circuitous path that has led me to where I am has given me some perspective and helped me find things I love, and I was honored to share that at my alma mater this spring.

“C-Students Run the World,” Part 1

This spring I was asked to give a keynote speech at my alma mater and tell a group of physics students about the last fifteen years of my life since graduation. I was flattered, of course, but also baffled because when I was in school, my grades were not the best and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

Tidying Up, Week 8 – Sparking Joy

After eight weeks of Marie Kondo’s challenge, I can see small improvements throughout my house, but there’s a long way to go before reaching the goals I set in Week 1. Through this journey, the real transformation has not been with my things, but with me. By practicing mindful, daily gratitude for the last two months, I do feel more joy – and that is magical.

Tidying Up, Week 3 – Books

No, Marie Kondo never said you should limit yourself to 30 books. She wants you to keep what makes you happy, and for me that was most of my books. Although I kept most of what I already had, it allowed me to reacquaint myself with my collection and inspired my husband to go through his books. He was a little more merciless than I.