Hot Water On Demand

After deciding to replace our gas-powered tank water heater with an electric tankless model, it took us about six months to actually make it happen. The process was reasonably easy and cheaper than it would have been otherwise, thanks to my husband’s DIY skill set. Now I’m thrilled that our hot water is coming to us thanks to renewable energy, not fossil fuels.

To (Sham)poo or not to (Sham)poo

Over the past few years, several people I know have been washing their hair less often, usually about once a week (as was done in the 1950s). I have taken this trend to the extreme, mostly to see what would happen. Is it possible to retain a professional (or at least socially acceptable) look without washing your hair for two years? I like to think so.

Tidying Up, Week 5 – Komono

Miscellaneous items make up the largest category in Marie Kondo’s tidying plan, and from what I can tell, that basically means everything in our house. There was no way I would get through everything Miscellaneous in one week, but I really thought I’d accomplish more than just the bathroom closet. There will certainly be more work to come after this eight-week challenge is over.

How Often Do You Really Have to Wash Your Hair?

A few years ago, a friend told me she was trying a “no-shampoo” challenge because shampoo can strip your hair and scalp of the natural oils that keep it healthy. While the idea may be unpleasant to some, I’ve been slowly cutting back on my shampoo use for a couple years and thought it was time to examine the merits of this challenge.