Leather: A Good or Bad Choice?

To celebrate the third anniversary of the Radical Moderate Blog, we will take a closer look at leather. A booming beef industry combined with waning demand for leather means that many animal hides simply go to the landfill instead of being put to use. Meanwhile, real leather is being overshadowed by vegan alternatives that are commonly made from plastic, which carries its own environmental impacts.

Real vs. Plastic Christmas Trees, Part 1

A variety of factors are making Christmas trees (both real and artificial) harder to come by this year. Because of climate change and clogged supply chains, availability is dropping and prices are rising. We’ll take this opportunity to look at the pros and cons of each and see if there is a “correct” choice of tree, based on aspects of conservation, health, and economics.

The Importance of Down Time, Part 2

So often in the corporate world we link busyness with value. As a manager, especially in a remote work situation, I try to stress that results are more important than image, and that productivity is a function of self care. Eighteen months into the pandemic, my team practically shoved me out the door for a vacation so I could finally practice what I preach.

Plastic-Free July (Corona Edition, Continued)

I’m off to a terrible start with Plastic Free July, since we’ve been out to eat three days in a row. Because of COVID, there is still a lot of single-use plastic in circulation. Our collective need for single-use plastic creates a lot of waste, but it also creates a lot of demand for the component materials, one of which is natural gas.

“C-Students Run the World,” Part 2

The thought of me providing life advice to other people strikes me as hilarious and pointless since I have always felt so aimless myself. I will admit, though, that the circuitous path that has led me to where I am has given me some perspective and helped me find things I love, and I was honored to share that at my alma mater this spring.

Cotton and its Impacts

On this, the second anniversary of Radical Moderate, we will be looking into the traditional second anniversary gift: cotton. It is one of the most widely produced textiles on earth, with farms spread across multiple countries. Unfortunately, it usually requires a lot of land, water, and chemicals to produce. This post will look into consumer options and how to make the most responsible wardrobe choices.

Plastic-Free July (Corona Edition), Part 1 – Setting the Stage

It is July once again, and I am reviving a challenge I gave myself this time last year: to participate in Plastic Free July. Of course, the global pandemic has led to a steep increase in single-use plastics and zero-contact transactions, making last year’s game plan effectively useless. This year I’ll see where I can make environmentally-friendly choices while still staying safe.

Monarch 101

Monarch butterfly populations are dropping at alarming rates on both coasts, and we may soon see them on the endangered species list. Their habitats and food sources are in danger from illegal logging, industrial herbicides, climate change, and urban expansion. There are plenty of steps we can take to help these beautiful creatures, and it involves more than just planting milkweed.

I <3 Fukushima, Part 8 - The Future

This last post is going live on the anniversary of Chernobyl, an oft-referenced event that has nothing and everything to do with Fukushima. Global concerns about nuclear energy persist as the Japanese government continues cleanup and looks to alternative fuel sources. The request we were left with from residents was this: go home and tell everyone what a wonderful place Fukushima still is.

I <3 Fukushima, Part 6 - The Economy

Despite decontamination efforts, some farmers in Fukushima are having trouble bouncing back because of widespread skepticism around claims of safety. The local economy is shifting to include green technology, but it remains to be seen if Fukushima can ever shake its stigma. While the government would like to put the accident in the past, there are some who don’t want it forgotten or excused.