“My Cabin Doesn’t Leak When it Doesn’t Rain,” Part 4 – Final Decisions

After a month of immersive research into various lifecycle impacts of aluminum, steel, and asphalt shingles, we have come to a decision that incorporates product affordability, energy efficiency, ecological impacts, and recycling feasibility. I am confident that we made the best decision, and I am looking forward to the fact that I won’t have to think about roofs again for the next 50 years.

“My Cabin Doesn’t Leak When it Doesn’t Rain,” Part 2 – Energy and Health

Having spent five years running a home health and weatherization program, I am every contractor’s worst nightmare. I ask tough questions and don’t give an inch. Energy efficiency and health are inextricably tied, and I have seen how cutting corners can jeopardize health. Fortunately, making professional energy improvements in conjunction with getting our new roof will more than pay off in the long run.

Energy Efficiency and the Climate: Climate Week Recap, Part 3

Roughly forty percent of the energy used in the United States goes to power buildings (heating, cooling, lighting, etc.), and nearly half of that energy is used by commercial buildings. Businesses can play a huge role in combatting climate change, starting with improvements in their own facilities. However, before you start saving kilowatts, the first and most important step is examining your organization’s culture.

Energy Efficiency and the Climate: Climate Week Recap, Part 2

Individual action and political action are valuable components of fighting climate change, but they are not enough. Energy efficiency related to building operation offers a huge opportunity for savings, as well as a positive impact on the climate. This week I will shamelessly talk about what I’ve learned in my job and the economic, environmental, and health benefits of exploring energy efficiency in your home.