Climate Lab: Fiji – Insights, Continued

The questions guiding our work in the Climate Lab focus on how to make climate action effective and inclusive, scalable and just – but the desire to craft the perfect approach can come at the expense of moving forward with a good approach. During our week in Fiji, we saw some inspiring examples of people making a difference by simply doing their best.

Climate Lab: Fiji – Insights

I knew that my year in the Climate Lab would be a challenge, but it has been challenging in ways I didn’t expect. Our work in and out of the classroom has challenged us to think differently and confront difficult feelings – things I only thought I had done before. It’s also forced me to grapple with my impostor syndrome, a tough and lifelong opponent.

Climate Lab: Fiji – In the Field, Continued

Good travel, just like good education, puts you outside your comfort zone and challenges your assumptions. To that extent, this journey to several Fijian villages with my Climate Lab cohort was very good travel. After two days, I left with more questions than I brought – largely about who “should” be making decisions related to climate change adaptation and how “should” outside organizations be helping.