Fat Talk, Part 4

I’ve had several friends comment on this series (publicly and privately), reminding me that body image issues are more widespread than many of us realize. In our quest for thinness over health, we turn to fad diets and products to help us feel better about ourselves. And that desperation among people who don’t really need to lose weight is causing problems for people who really do.

Fat Talk, Part 3

I wrestled with some negative feelings when reading the book Fat Talk, and I wanted to understand the source of those reactions. I’ve since participated in a group discussion, some supplementary research, and a lot of reflection and writing. In the end, I think my disconnect is ultimately related less to my own biases and more to some of the concepts being presented in absolutes.

Fat Talk, Part 2

It goes without saying that parents want what’s best for their kids, but who decides what “best” is or the best way of achieving it? Mealtimes are dreaded in many households because of the potential for fights over what and how much needs to be consumed. And even the healthiest home environments don’t make kids immune to external standards and value judgments related to weight.

Fat Talk, Part 1

The more uncomfortable the topic, the less it tends to be discussed, and – chances are – the more likely it needs to be. One issue with which I’ve struggled over the years is weight and fat-phobia. Fortunately I had a great opportunity to tease apart my own baggage in the safe space of book club with “Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture”

Grief and Grieving

Humans grieve at times of transition, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a job, a dream, or expectations of how something would turn out. There’s no easy solution for getting through grief, but accepting it and allowing space for it helps. Similarly, normalizing the concept that nothing lasts forever may help us to be more mindful of precious moments when they’re happening.

The Greatest Productivity Hack, Part 4

One thing we tend to skip over when organizing our lives is evaluating our actions to see what’s working and what isn’t – which is arguably as important as the planning stage! I had to learn that evaluation wasn’t about beating myself up for not getting everything finished, but rather about recognizing what small steps I took that day to work toward my goals.

The Greatest Productivity Hack, Part 3

When a friend asked me specifics about how I maximize my productivity, I laughed. I also started to plan this blog series to share what has worked well for me as I continue to learn. Your mileage may vary with planners and scheduling apps, but the real path to success appears to be setting goals and continually questioning what does or doesn’t support them.

The Greatest Productivity Hack, Part 2

“Work smarter, not harder” is a bit of a misnomer, as it is frequently interpreted as a call to accomplish existing tasks more efficiently. What we should be doing instead is questioning what our goals are and what the best methods of achieving them are. It’s likely that there is a disconnect between what we spend our time doing and what we’re actually trying to accomplish.

The Greatest Productivity Hack, Part 1

Heading into the new fiscal year at work, and heading out of a particularly hectic spring, I wanted to be more intentional about building some good habits around optimizing my time and defending my boundaries. Fortunately I happened upon several great podcast episodes on a recent drive, starting with the best possible way to become more efficient: thinking about what you’re trying to accomplish.

Pride: The Fight Continues

Last month I had the pleasure of attending a drag brunch at a local brewery. The event received some backlash from the local community, which created a lot of media buzz. While the threats ultimately amounted to nothing, that is not always the case. While opposition to the LGBTQ community seems to be on the rise, our actions can play a big role in combating bigotry.