Southern Cross

Since I was 19 on an anthropology study abroad trip to Ecuador, I have searched for authentic intercultural experiences. It’s difficult, to be sure, and not everyone wants their travels to be difficult. My vacation in Fiji after the Climate Lab week came to an end raised some important questions: what is the value in striving for authenticity and is it even achievable?

Climate Lab: Hawai’i – In the Field

I was impressed when I learned about Hawaii’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045, but I was shocked to learn about some unintended impacts of wind energy development on Oahu’s north shore. Hearing from impacted residents was a great reminder that wind energy, like any tool, is not inherently good or bad – it comes down to how it is developed and used.

Birthday Bat Box

I’ve always loved bats. They’re adorable and beneficial but often get a bad rap. With populations in rapid decline, there are few actions we can take, and one of them is adding a bat box… in certain situations. Following proper guidelines on size and placement can ensure a safe, comfortable place for bats to spend the summer (that doesn’t include your attic).