Climate Lab: Just Transition

“I’m right; you’re wrong” is a tempting position to take, especially when emotions run high. However, many seemingly disparate issues are inextricably intertwined, particularly when it comes to energy generation, and part of a just transition toward renewable energy means addressing the concerns many have about moving away from fossil fuels. As always, I’m learning that it’s easier said than done.

Man vs. Machine, Part 2 – The Human Condition

While we don’t (yet) have artificial intelligence that can match human intelligence, we seem to have enough difficulty interacting with the Narrow AI that exists now. Such technology is supposed to make our lives easier – and in some ways it does – but some of our distinctly human skills, such as critical thought, creativity, and discernment seem to be eroding as we rely more on AI.

Climate Lab: Applying Lessons

It was only a matter of time before members of my Climate Lab cohort would be asked to produce something as a result of our learning, instead of just cramming information into our heads. In a time when my country feels more divided than ever, I wanted to find a way to work toward equitable, sustainable solutions that addressed concerns of conflicting parties.

Southern Cross

Since I was 19 on an anthropology study abroad trip to Ecuador, I have searched for authentic intercultural experiences. It’s difficult, to be sure, and not everyone wants their travels to be difficult. My vacation in Fiji after the Climate Lab week came to an end raised some important questions: what is the value in striving for authenticity and is it even achievable?

Travel vs. Tourism

I try to avoid touristy places when I travel, conveniently ignoring the fact that I am a tourist myself. In this post I wrestle with some external judgment related to how people “should” travel, including whether they should even travel in the first place. Seeking comfort (in addition to challenge) when I was in Fiji helped me realize there’s no clear black-and-white answer here.

Climate Lab: Fiji – Insights, Continued

The questions guiding our work in the Climate Lab focus on how to make climate action effective and inclusive, scalable and just – but the desire to craft the perfect approach can come at the expense of moving forward with a good approach. During our week in Fiji, we saw some inspiring examples of people making a difference by simply doing their best.

Climate Lab: Fiji – Insights

I knew that my year in the Climate Lab would be a challenge, but it has been challenging in ways I didn’t expect. Our work in and out of the classroom has challenged us to think differently and confront difficult feelings – things I only thought I had done before. It’s also forced me to grapple with my impostor syndrome, a tough and lifelong opponent.

Climate Lab: Fiji – In the Field, Continued

Good travel, just like good education, puts you outside your comfort zone and challenges your assumptions. To that extent, this journey to several Fijian villages with my Climate Lab cohort was very good travel. After two days, I left with more questions than I brought – largely about who “should” be making decisions related to climate change adaptation and how “should” outside organizations be helping.

Climate Lab: Fiji – In the Field

During our time in Fiji, we were fortunate enough to be welcomed by Daku Village, where we were fed, entertained, housed, and educated by this generous community during a brief 24 hour visit. That short time did more for me and my perspectives than I got from months of pre-reading assignments, and I hope I can do them justice by putting that learning to good use.

Fifth Anniversary: Wood

This post marks five years of Radical Moderate! I had a lot of choices for topics related to the fifth anniversary gift of wood, but my recent examination of ‘90s nostalgia reminded me of an important cause I encountered as a young environmentalist: deforestation. There are many contributing factors to this big issue, but there are also some things we can do to help.