“Don’t Fear the Reaper”: Processing Tragedy through Art

Halloween is the time of year when we think of death and of natural cycles coming to an end. But what is Halloween like when we’ve already been thinking about death all year? This post examines our attraction to the expression of death in art. Watching outbreak movies during a pandemic and laughing at dark humor during times of crisis may actually be a psychological necessity.

Organic Lawn Care: Milorganite

As we approach November, we’re getting exposed to more and more BS in political campaigns. Fortunately, this is also the perfect time of year to make use of fertilizer to improve your lawn. This week we will look at the pros and cons of organic and inorganic fertilizers, focusing on one in particular that I’ve used on my lawn for years.

When Life Hands You Beets…

I’ve never met a beet that I liked, and this love/hate issue divides my family in two. What’s a girl to do when beets show up in the farm share box? This week on the blog, I divised a version of “The Dating Game” for myself to try to answer the ultimate question: are beets in any way redeemable? I remain skeptical.

November 2020 Elections, Part 4 – Decisions, Decisions

Four years ago, I wished that people would pay attention to their elections and get involved wherever possible. For better or worse, it would appear that I got my wish. Pennsylvania is seeing record voter registration and overwhelming activity at the polls already. Here is what you need to know as a PA and Allegheny County voter before heading to the polls (or your mailbox).

November 2020 Elections, Part 3 – Where Power Resides

Presidential elections have become more divisive in recent years, in part because of our perceptions, which are shaped by social media and the 24-hour news cycle, but also because we seem to be investing more authority in the executive office and federal government. Both sides of the aisle have been skewing economically right and socially authoritarian over time, making each subsequent election more critical.

November 2020 Elections, Part 1 – Political Identity

In the lead-up to the 2020 general election, our country seems more polarized than ever. What if I were to tell you that the divisions aren’t as big as they seem, and the candidates are closer, ideologically speaking, than you could possibly imagine? Using information from The Political Compass, see where our candidates stand on economic and social issues – and where you do too.

Eco Friendly Weed Control, 2020 Update

Lawns are resource-intensive and boring. I have been working for several years now to expand or create new gardens throughout our yard to increase the attractiveness of our property to both human eyes and pollinator bellies. Building new, organic, and eco-friendly garden beds takes a lot time and physical labor. Now four summers in to my project, I’m trying to work smarter, not harder.

Spotted Lanternfly 101

Spending a month with my parents in eastern PA allowed me to meet our newest invasive species: the Spotted Lanternfly. This insect has been in Pennsylvania for less than a decade but is already wreaking havoc on a variety of cash crops, including grapes, grains, fruit, and hardwood. This post covers how to recognize them and kill them – because, yes, it is necessary.