Spotted Lanternfly 101

Spending a month with my parents in eastern PA allowed me to meet our newest invasive species: the Spotted Lanternfly. This insect has been in Pennsylvania for less than a decade but is already wreaking havoc on a variety of cash crops, including grapes, grains, fruit, and hardwood. This post covers how to recognize them and kill them – because, yes, it is necessary.

Plastic-Free July (Corona Edition), Part 5 – Reducing Demand

The vast majority of our clothes contain synthetic materials, i.e. plastics. If reducing plastic waste is your goal, limiting clothing containing synthetic fibers should be among your priorities. As with plastic materials in other parts of our lives, our approach with synthetic clothing should be (first) Reduce, (then) Reuse, and (last) recycle. This final post on Plastic-Free July suggests some options for responsible clothes shopping.

Plastic-Free July (Corona Edition), Part 1 – Setting the Stage

It is July once again, and I am reviving a challenge I gave myself this time last year: to participate in Plastic Free July. Of course, the global pandemic has led to a steep increase in single-use plastics and zero-contact transactions, making last year’s game plan effectively useless. This year I’ll see where I can make environmentally-friendly choices while still staying safe.