Groundhog Day

A common struggle for any gardener or farmer is keeping groundhogs away. Many natural and/or humane methods of groundhog control are ineffective, but killing animals is not an option for me. Furthermore, dispatching the groundhogs deals with the symptom, not the problem, and leaves a move-in ready home for the next family. The best solution is making your yard undesirable in the first place.

The Importance of Down Time, Part 2

So often in the corporate world we link busyness with value. As a manager, especially in a remote work situation, I try to stress that results are more important than image, and that productivity is a function of self care. Eighteen months into the pandemic, my team practically shoved me out the door for a vacation so I could finally practice what I preach.

The Importance of Down Time, Part 1

Burnout is real, and time off is important. But, the way I do vacations, I usually come back more exhausted than I left. Christian and I took two weeks off for a road trip to visit friends and see the West, and we might be on to something with a more realistic pace, more unstructured down time, and more schedule flexibility than we’re used to.

Bad Fences Make Good Neighbors: Poison Ivy

Our extensive weeds neither know or care whose property they’re on, and our neighbors all use heavy-duty weed killers that I don’t want in my yard. Since the best defense is a good offense, I took it upon myself to preemptively clear my neighbors’ weeds (getting their permission first) trying out several organic methods on a range of weeds, including poison ivy.

Bad Fences Make Good Neighbors: Catchweed and Pokeweed

My ongoing war with weeds in our yard is exhausting and neverending. While I’ve made some good progress in the front yard over the last few years, the jungle back along the property line is made up of some truly formidable opponents that won’t give up. The worst part is that weeds don’t respect property lines, so my theater of battle has expanded.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 3

We have a wealth of options when it comes to beauty supplies, and a growing number of conscientious consumers are pushing for more ethical and environmentally friendly products. As usual, it does seem that the less we use, the better. In the conclusion of this series, I explore do it yourself options that result in a lighter footprint on the environment and human rights.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 2

When I started researching this topic, I expected the result to be a quick, one-part summary of the health effects of common chemicals in nail polish. I did not expect the wealth of information I found on public health concerns related to nail salons, especially the racial equity issues faced by workers who commonly experience a range of health problems related to occupational hazards.

Killer Cosmetics: Nail Polish, Part 1

As someone who uses very few beauty products, I never expected to focus on them in a blog post. However, access to nail salons and habits at home have changed during the pandemic, raising questions about long-term trends. And the examination of those things also brought to light questions of health – both for people who wear nail polish and people who work in salons.

Sunscreen Risks and Rewards

I have a love-hate relationship with the sun. On one hand, I have seasonal depression and crave sunlight, but on the other hand, I burn easily, even while taking the most careful precautions. To make matters worse, common sunscreen ingredients are harmful to humans and the ecosystem in general. I’ve been planning this post for a while, but a recent sunscreen recall moved it up in priority.

Novel Bird Disease

In recent weeks, there have been reports throughout western Pennsylvania about a mysterious disease killing birds. Although there is not much known at the moment, avian epidemiologists are working hard to find out more, and there are things that we can do to help protect them for now. One of those things is to remain patient with neighbors who are resistant to science.