From One “City of Bridges” to Another

We were not entirely sure whether we wanted to go to Venice while in Italy, mainly because it is such a touristy city: we would have to contend with throngs of tourists, but we would also be part of the problem. Ultimately we decided to go after better understanding the causes of many of the problems and how we could support the city more sustainably.

Truffle Hog

After eating many amazing, truffle-filled meals in Italy last fall, Christian decided to get me a truffle for Christmas. Despite the rapid expiration date and mile-high carbon footprint of this tiny fungus, I loved every bite of pasta, pizza, and eggs graced with its presence. I also wanted to know how I could get the flavor without repeating such an expensive and impactful purchase.

To What End?

Over 100 million Americans made New Year’s resolutions for 2022, and fewer than 10 million actually succeeded in keeping them. I rarely succeed, in spite of (or because of) the fact that I tend to make so many. This year, I hope that examining the “why” behind my resolutions, rather than following my annual pattern from years before, will meet with more success.

Cat v. Tree

Although many families share videos of cats attacking Christmas trees, we have never seen any such behavior from our two. Most of the cat-on-tree action I’ve seen in my life has involved artificial trees, and there are multiple sources that point to why cats may prefer plastic to the real thing. In this Christmas Day post, expect some gratuitous cat photos along with researched content.

Angel of Music, Part 2

Having fun – by definition – means being playful and limiting self-judgment, but self-judgment has dictated my relationship with music for more than half of my life. I am currently working through one of the most complicated relationships I’ve ever experienced. In doing so, I have at least identified what feels healthy and what I want more of, but I also know it’s going to be a long process.

Angel of Music, Part 1

In trying to carve out time for doing things that I love, I tend to turn activities that should be fun into obligations, at which point they are no longer fun. Music has been an incredibly important part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I’m trying very hard to figure out how to make it fun again.

Yes, Virginia, it is a Christmas Movie, Part 2

Although some movie critics have attempted to define what constitutes a “Christmas movie,” some of the accepted criteria are incredibly subjective and depend on a viewer’s individual perception and family traditions. Despite the heated debates, I still believe one movie stands out from the others in the “action at Christmas” genre and truly deserves its place among the more traditionally accepted Christmas classics.

Yes, Virginia, it is a Christmas Movie, Part 1

“Die Hard” is considered by many to be the greatest Christmas movie of all time; it is also considered by many to be the most divisive Christmas movie of all time. There are plenty of articles that share qualitative and quantitative information about why “Die Hard” is, and I am here to agree. But I’m also here to ask what exactly defines a Christmas movie?

Shaka, When the Walls Fell, Part 2

Once we removed my tree, Christian was able to rebuild the retaining wall in our driveway. I learned a lot about the process, which will be useful as more of our walls need assistance. I’m also trying to figure out what to put in the hole left by my tree, but there are a lot of factors to consider for wall and plant health.

Shaka, When the Walls Fell, Part 1

As Pittsburghers, we have a lot of retaining walls on our property, and we knew it was only a matter of time before we would have to repair one. Last year our driveway wall was compromised by a tree I loved very much. In order to replace the wall and ultimately protect the foundation of the house, I had to make a hard decision.